Cementmix Plus

Specially formulated additives for cement concrete/plaster/mortars for integral waterproofing.

It improves the integral waterproofing properties of cement concrete and plasters after curing. It is used as an additive for cement concrete/plaster/mortars because of its plasticizing properties, makes concrete denser, and prevents segregation.



It makes the concrete more unified hence preventing any bleeding or segregation.


It enhances the impermeability of water into any reinforced structure.

Corrosion Reticent

It makes the reinforcement corrosion in the concrete structure non-reactive and passivate.


It eliminates the development of cracks in the plaster or concrete by reducing any shrinkage.


It improves the workability of cement mortar without increasing the water content.

Green Pro Certified

Validates our effort in striving towards cleaner, more sustainable future.

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